The Journey Podcast with Carra Yoder
Hey friends! I’m Carra Yoder, a survivor of an eating disorder and suicide ideation that found that my love of the great outdoors helped me heal. I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, got married at a young age, moved to Tampa, Florida, and got a divorce. I ended up mentally in a very bad place to the point my parents gave me an ultimatum of either coming home or moving to Los Angeles to be closer to one of my brothers. However, I wasn’t ready to give up and go home, so I moved to Los Angeles. I grew up and faced many mental and physical challenges here, but it has made me who I am today. I’m here to change the conversations around mental health and eating disorders, bringing real-life stories of survivors, those in recovery, and my journey.
The Journey Podcast with Carra Yoder
Just Keep Rolling
The roller skating community is huge in Los Angeles, and guest Allie Belli talks about how roller skating is a form of escape that allows her to forget about the outside world and find her happy place. So grab your roller skates, tune into this podcast, and enjoy the ride!
Join us on an inspiring journey with host, Carra Yoder, a survivor of an eating disorder and suicide ideation that found solace and healing in exploring the beauty of the great outdoors. This 12-episode podcast will follow her journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth. You'll learn from her experiences as she talks to the people who have helped her along the way, from friends and family to nature itself. This podcast is part of her healing journey, and it will surely inspire yours.
This episode was recorded at the mejia.tv studio on January 14, 2023.
United States Call: 988
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.
Learn more
Host: Carra Yoder
Guest: Alli Belli
Instagram: @dtla_sk8_cru
Instagram: @La_skateandbladebrigade
Intro Research: Carra Yoder
Thank you to everyone who donated and made this podcast dream a reality! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without all of you! -- Carra Yoder
Victoria Y Martinez
Dr. April Rogers, Hollywood Mobile Vet
Thelma Lopez
Francis Bolte
Erika Bolte
Ryan Frazier
Natalie Fording
Carissa Cimorelli
Alexandra Hamilton
Cathy Yoder
Kimberly Fowler
Allison Rommell
Felicia Galabiz
Velvet de Obaldia
Adam Strom
Lupe Uribe
Rebecca Baker
Hongxuan Liu
Alexis Kotelko
Joey Lozano
Josef Overal
Crystal Cisneros
Sarah Hahn
Avenelle Turner
John Gleim
Tosha Zimmerman
Sarah Baldwin
Mishka Williams
Liliana Talavera
Joe Fulcher
Daisy Austin
Gregory M Fields
Yvonne Marron
Christina De Leon
Kim Huber
Susan McAllister
Brandon Grey
Hair 9 Hair Design
Diana Jacinto
Johnny Yoder
Sue and Rick Yoder
Anonymous Donors
Join Carra on hikes around the LA area every weekend.
Follow @jumpinginsolo_inc
The Journey Podcast is brought to you by Dr. April’s Hollwood Mobile Vet, Craft 9 Hair Design & a list of community backers, which you will see in the show notes. This podcast is produced and edited by mejia.tv and can be found on all major podcast platforms. You can support this podcast by liking this episode and subscribing to it. You can also support me by rating this podcast and following me on social media @thejourneypodcastcy. For more information on this episode, visit, www.thejourneypodcastcy.com